July 2015 marked five years since President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank bill into law. We would like to acknowledge the anniversary by taking an objective look into the impacts of the mandate forged in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis in an effort to reform the financial services industry. Here, we outline the major objectives of Dodd-Frank and some of its impact to date, as well as highlight how MCG can help your firm fine-tune its strategy to meet regulatory requirements.
Read MoreTime-tested Data Analysis Tools, On the Go
Monticello frequently employs simple—yet effective—tools in order to accomplish our data mining and analysis goals. Here is a list of practical tools and short tutorials showcasing how powerful they can be for the business executive’s day-to-day decision making.
Read MoreSelecting the Right Database for the Job
Most businesses work with data in various formats as part of their operations. Inherent to this are the challenges involved in deriving value from their data to benefit the organization. Monticello Consulting Group can help you discover the solution that best fits your organization, as well as partner with you to make that solution a reality.
Read MoreA Monticello Consulting Case Study for Improving Data Quality, a Regulatory Reporting Mandate
For over three years, Monticello Consulting has been actively engaged in the swaps industry, partnering with our swap dealer clients to remediate data quality issues and to improve the acknowledgement rates for the trades associated with real-time reporting. See how we helped one client build a suite of tactical tools to solve these issues.
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A top investment banking client recently called on Monticello to help with a process fit for automation. The engagement called for building a suite of tactical tools to address a particularly thorny reconciliation dilemma. See how we helped them resolve the issue and dramatically reduce the need to manually fix breaks in their payments systems.
Read MoreTime-tested Data Analysis Tools, On the Go - Goal Seek
Goal Seek allows the user to set the value in a cell containing a formula by changing the value in another, helping the user find the result they want by changing a single variable. Here, MCG walks you through how to best use this powerful Excel tool.
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