Driving Value For Your Strategic Programs
Bringing Structure to Complex Initiatives
Aligning program and project execution with business objectives is critical to achieving an organization’s vision and delivering innovative solutions.
From start to finish, Monticello's work is not complete until an organization is positioned to succeed in a sustainable way. Whether looking to implement regulatory-driven mandates, enhanced technology solutions, or a strategic enterprise-wide transformation program, your business demands a trusted partner to achieve your vision of success.
FLEX Model for Portfolio & Program Management Success
Monticello’s FLEX Model for Portfolio & Program Management combines best in class resources with our time-tested methodology to deliver high quality results for our clients. Our services include:
Program Initiation
- Structured approach to pinpoint the right methodology (Waterfall vs. Scaled Agile/SAFe vs. hybrid)
- Stakeholder engagement and buy-in
- Tangible Business Outcome alignment
Governance & Control Routines
- Proven implementation model customized to fit a client's organization and enhanced by cultural mindfulness
- Strategic agility while staying within the scope of work
Reporting & Management Communications
- Best practices for implementing automated reporting and project portfolio management (PPM) tool selection
- Enhanced metric development for transparent and effective communication and decision-making including:
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)
- Data Science / Artificial Intelligence for portfolio tracking and measurement
Go-Live Preparation & Management
- Support end-to-end go-live planning, testing, and execution
- Employ efficient and effective risk management framework
Click here to download slide deck: Project Management
The FLEX Model is distinctly positioned and leverages over fifteen years of investment in our portfolio & program management methodology and is supported by our thought leadership and financial services industry expertise.

- Monticello’s practical Agile approach integrates leading technical capabilities with our XP Model to deliver success for our clients.

- Firm track record of over fifteen years of dedicated financial services experience across 100+ engagements, covering over $2 billion in project spend.

- Monticello partners with the world's leading financial institutions, driving some of the most innovative and transformational programs seen in a generation on both Wall Street and in the financial services industry at large.
- With an average of 10 years of industry experience, Monticello consultants offer deep expertise in advisory, regulatory compliance, portfolio optimization & program management, agile transformation, and digital & advanced analytics.