Monticello Joins Darden Conversation on Accelerating Digital Fluency

Monticello’s Digital Transformation team joined in on the Darden School of Business webinar - The Digital Executive: Accelerating Your Digital Fluency to Drive Transformation, hosted by Professors Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Raj Venkatesan. Digital Transformation means many things to many people!  It can be small or large.  It changes your business in terms of the use of technology and data. Digital is widespread, it is everywhere,  and it is not just one function.  

We talked about mapping your digital transformation strategy and taking a framework based approach: 

  • Strategy – How do we use data analytics to transform the business?

  • Functions – How do we use data analytics in business processes?

  • Technology – How do we analyze data?

  • Infrastructure – How do we organize data?

As consultants working across the financial services industry, we particularly appreciated this holistic approach to digital transformation and building out the digital transformation stack - a great approach that we can leverage with our clients on their digital transformation initiatives. Lastly, we revisited agility at scale and the need to leverage a design thinking culture and perhaps most importantly - celebrating our successes!

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