Lorena Gandolfini, Chief Marketing Officer, BIP discusses the double-sided quality of major scientific discoveries in CONNECTED - The New Post-Human Species

Lorena Gandolfini, Chief Marketing Officer, BIP discusses the double-sided quality of major scientific discoveries and the importance of directing their application for society’s benefit in our new docufilm “CONNECTED - The New Post-Human Species.” 

Available for pre-watch on: 

Amazon Prime https://www.primevideo.com/-/it/detail/0O0DM7CX65YR851LFUVBNO2UTG/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r 

Apple TV https://tv.apple.com/it/movie/connected-the-new-post-human-species/umc.cmc.3fzqs526a15n6ob6by4lx8ah1